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La mesera del año

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Adivina adivinador, ¿qué ves de extraño en esta fotografía?

La respuesta al final de este post

Muchos nos sentimos cómodos andando como Dios nos trajo al mundo por la casa, pero no siempre resulta placentero. Esto es lo que puede pasar si anda uno por la casa sin calzones.

Preguntas y respuestas

La historia de un letrero

Para los amantes de los gatos: I can has cheez burguer

Respuesta a "Adivina Adivinador"
¿Notaste que la morra tiene 6 dedos?



Anónimo said...

would like to know about the dongles instead of phone connection hardly ever use my phone use mobile all time contract been told L15 a month for dongle dearer the dongle the better i suppose whats the pros cons not much of a clue


Anónimo said...

I have a little sister who is on the internet late at night and i want her to come off. I have a Belkin 54g and i was wondering if there is anything i can do to disable the internet on her computer only at like 10pm. Is this possible, i want it so i am still able to use the internet but she cant until like the next morning around 8am. Is there any settings i can change or program to use that could allow me to do this. Thanks

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Anónimo said...

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Anónimo said...

Not a great deal.. maybe a 1GB memory stick? Or maybe you could pay the postange and packaging of something online..


Anónimo said...

At my school, we are looking to purchase netbooks for each pupil to use. They will obviously have to pay for them. We are looking for a range that are under L100. Are there any school holesalers anyone could recommend?


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